Qorvis Communications is handling the U.S. branding campaign for Palestine ahead of the anticipated United Nations vote this month to grant nationhood to the Palestinian Authority.
The U.S. is attempting to head off that vote.
The three-month, $90K pact with Qorvis involves PR, advertising, direct mail, social media and outreach to opinion makers and policymakers.
The D.C. firm is serving as subcontractor to Ellam Tam, the Ramallah-headquartered ad/PR shop. The Palestinian American Chamber of Commerce is bankrolling the effort.
The campaign is to foster a better understanding of Palestine and its people. The PACoC also is looking to promote trade and tourism.
The drive seeks to “break the many myths and misconceptions surrounding Palestine and help people recognize the great promise of growth, prosperity and peace that can arise from this land and its people,” according to Qorvis’ federal filing. It notes that Palestine has a 95 percent literacy rate and that its universities graduate 45,000 people a year.
Qorvis, which represents Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Bahrain, has assigned John Deschauer, Tina Jeon, Sol Levine, Sam Dealey and William Dempster to the Palestine account.
Britain’s Bell Pottinger, which frequently teams with Qorvis, is doing PR work for the Palestine Liberation Organization.