Dawn Bridges, executive VP-communications at Al Jazeera America, has resigned her post at the unit of the Qatar-based satellite TV company.

dawn bridgesThe former Time Inc. senior VP-communications (seven years) and EVP-communications/third-party marketing at Warner Music is leaving because the job is "extremely time consuming," according to a staff memo. She's looking for a change in her "work/life mix."

Bridges' duties spanned corporate brand, social media, crisis communications, editorial publicity, executive profiles, third-party outreach, internal communications, events, sponsorship, diversity outreach and social responsibility.

Diana Lee, executive VP-human resources walked out the door with Bridges.

The departures come as Al Jazeera is slapped with a $15M lawsuit from a former staffer alleging discrimination against women and anti-Semitism.

Matthew Luke filed charges in New York Supreme Court April 28 claiming that Osman Mahmud, senior VP-broadcast operations and technology, removed women from projects and made anti-Semitic and anti-American remarks.

Mahmud calls the accusations a "pack of lies."

AJA, which does not discuss pending litigation, said it takes legal matters seriously and "will respond in the appropriate forum."

The network said "a commitment to diversity and inclusion is fundamental to its mission and is boldly reflected throughout the company: in its staff, its leadership and its programming."

Qorvis, which is part of MSLGroup, handles AJA.