North Carolina

The group representing North Carolina's commercial fishing business has released an RFP for a PR campaign to educate the public about changes made to reduce its environmental impact and to promote sustainable practices. 

It believes the public is clueless about the eco-friendly practices of the more than $1B commercial fishery industry.

There's scant knowledge about commercial fishermen participating in research to reduce by-catch, protect habitat, and cut interactions with endangered species, while trying to operate in an efficient and profitable manner. 

"The public," according to the RFP,  "often has misconceptions concerning commercial fishing impacts."  Information "needs to be disseminated through a PR campaign for the industry to survive and be sustainable." 

The North Carolina Commercial Resource Fund envisions a broad-based PR approach including educational clinics, media promotions (print, video, web, social media, radio), festival displays and marketing help to promote the Tar Heel State's seafood as sustainable.

Proposals are due March 1 and go to [email protected] 

The RFP is at