City of Salem, Oregon

Salem, Oregon’s capital city of 170K people, is looking for a firm to handle its $2M annual destination marketing program.

Located in the lush Willamette Valley, Salem is surrounded by green pastures, vineyards, orchards and fields of flowers and vegetables, according to the RFP. 

The city is 47 miles south of Portland and an hour from ocean beaches and the Cascade Mountains.

Salem has enjoyed steady growth, offers abundant land for development and boasts a “ready and willing workforce.”

It wants a PR partner to improve the city’s local, regional and national image in a manner that utilizes local citizens, businesses, civic organizations, government and others to promote the city.

The firm will handle general tourism marketing and work to lure conventions, seminars and sporting events to the city.

The destination marketing contract will run for five years, beginning in September. There is a potential for a five-year renewal.

Proposals are due April 5. They must be submitted to the equity hub’s bid locker at

Download RFP (PDF).