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Julia Bloch Mellon is Senior Vice President of Financial Services at Bliss Integrated Communication.

Stories by Julia Bloch Mellon

    2020: The Year of Brand Activism
    (Financial PR & Investor Relations)

    Mon., Aug. 10, 2020

    Julia Bloch MellonBrands hold the power to affect societal change, by taking a stance and backing up their values through measurable action. As recent events have forced corporate leaders to self-reflect, however, some well-intentioned brands have resorted to “performative activism”—showing that empty words can risk brand credibility. How can PR pros help companies responsibly take a stand?

    Fintech 2.0: Wall Street and Silicon Valley Face Off
    (Financial PR & Investor Relations)

    Mon., Aug. 5, 2019

    Julia Block MellonAs competition heats up among tech giants, a question arises: how will fintech startups, Big Tech and traditional financial services companies carve out share of wallet? And how will the marketing mix rebalance in a world where Goldman could go head-to-head with Google?