Interpublic sliced its global workforce 7.6 percent to 50,200 at year end 2020, according to its 10-K filing.
US employment fell 6.3 percent to 21,ooo.
Omnicom applied a bigger scalpel to its staff, chopping 8.4 percent of them to the 64,100 level.
The ad/PR holding company had 20,800 US employees at the end of last year. It did not report a US breakout in its 2019 10-K report.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Interpublic provided “increased support for our people through one-on-one and group therapy sessions, self-care workshops and management training,” according to the SEC filing.
It also counseled clients on how to o deal with their employee concerns.
Interpublic had 95 percent of its people working from home within days of the outset of the pandemic.
“We adopted an approach of “organized flexibility” to facilitate the new working environments and take into account the need of many employees to work during non-traditional hours and juggle home lives and work responsibilities,” it said in the 10-K.
Omnicom noted that an overwhelming majority of its employees worked remotely last year and continue to do so.
That situation “may increase certain business and procedural control risks, including increased risk of cybersecurity incidents and exposure of sensitive business and client advertising and marketing information as well as personal data or information.”
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