
The Ulster County Transportation Council plans to hire a firm to handle public engagement services for its Year 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan update that is due Sept. 30, 2024.

The communications partner will expand UCTC’s name recognition throughout the New York county and educate people its role and function.

It will develop a brand, logo, and website for the Year 2050 LRTP and organize, market and conduct up to five public events.

The firm is to engage and gather feedback from a diverse range of groups to include the elderly, disabled low- and moderate-income populations, minorities, students, non-English speakers and interest groups such as transit customers, walkers, bikers and long-distance commuters, according to the RFP.

The engagement process is to begin in December.

Proposals are due Sept. 22. They go to:

Ulster County Purchasing
Edward Jordan, Director of Purchasing
100 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401

Read the RFP (PDF).