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Peter Prodromou is president of Boathouse, a Massachusetts-based independent agency co-founded by former Hill Holiday/McCann executive John Connors. He previously spent more than 15 years helping to build and lead Racepoint Global.

Stories by Peter Prodromou

    Why the Fear That AI Could Replace Comms Professionals Is Overblown
    (Artificial intelligence)

    Wed., May 17, 2023

    Peter ProdromouThe launch of ChatGPT set off an endless stream of fear and despair about its potential to replace skill positions in our professions. However, a closer look shows that it will be a while before we see it replacing humans in mission critical content creation roles.

    5G: Are We Asking the Right Questions?
    (Technology PR)

    Mon., May 21, 2018

    Peter and RJAdvances in 5G technologies could alter the very fabric of innovation, yet a significant distance remains between the hype surrounding 5G and the technical, financial and political challenges facing the technology.

    Tech's Corporate Social Responsibility Opportunity
    (Technology PR)

    Thu., Nov. 20, 2014

    Peter ProdromouTechnology companies have long focused on the next great innovation, offering greater access at faster speeds, with more relevance and glint. However, the tech industry is missing an opportunity to innovate in another arena: being the first practitioners of real corporate social responsibility.