Amen Next time you're crafting exec quotes, consider this (L. Hoffman)
PR 101 The secrets to working with a PR firm (G. Matusky)
RFPs Why I'm done with RFPs (for now) (A. Hanson)
PR 101 How serious are PRs about being professional? (N. Hobson)
Women Why 'leaning in' is killing us (Foreign Policy)
Marketing How to find and use online brand ambassadors (S. Scott)
RFP Regional Transportation Commiss. of So. Nevada (PDF)
Profile Chris Lehane out-Washingtons Washington (NY Times Mag)
Tools Pinterest for corporate communications (Streamfeed)
Olympics Russia somehow pulls off Olympic PR masterpiece (J. Landsberg)
Healthcare Small screen reporting on ACA misses big picture (W. Potter)
Media Newspaper denies attorney general profile is Trump's revenge (BuzzFeed)
Entertainment Ronan Farrow's PR rules: No personal questions (NY Post)
RFP India, IDBI Bank (PDF)