Arthur Solomon Arthur Solomon

Earlier today, there was a bombshell announcement that the FBI would review new information regarding the discovery of emails relevant to the Hillary Clinton investigation.

News outlets around the country reported that the F.B.I. uncovered those emails in the course of seizing devices belonging to former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin (Weiner in September became the subject of a Federal investigation regarding renewed sexting allegations, this time allegedly involving a minor).

The announcement by the FBI immediately resulted in Donald Trump saying that the “criminal” investigation into Clinton’s email use was being reopened, even though there was no such mention in the FBI’s letter to Congress.

If I was Clinton’s PR adviser, I would suggest that she say in public ASAP that she will cooperate fully with any investigation and will have more to say when additional information regarding the matter is brought to light.

Then, when that additional information is releases, I would advise a more detailed defense, emphasizing that the FBI has already said that they would not bring charges against her for the use of a private email server.

In addition, I would have her surrogates go on the offensive, stating that the Republicans are mischaracterizing the situation and pointing out that the FBI said that any emails at issue were not from Ms. Clinton. I would have them emphasize how Trump will say anything — like saying a “criminal” investigation of Clinton was reopened — regardless of the facts.

I also would consider an advertisement detailing the litany of untrue statements that Trump has made during the campaign.

Trump has been his own worst enemy by repeatedly saying things that are untrue and later denying claims that made that were captured on tape. There’s a good chance he’ll again overplay this situation again.

Stay tuned.


Arthur Solomon was a senior VP at Burson-Marsteller. He now is a contributor to public relations and sports business publications, consults on PR projects and is on the Seoul Peace Prize nominating committee. He can be reached at [email protected].