Donald Trump has had great fun ridiculing the "failing" New York Times, a consistent thorn in the side of his administration. For instance, take a look at today's blockbuster feature about Donald Trump Jr.'s adventure with the Russian lawyer.

The Times is regularly hit as an elitist rag that advocates causes favored by northeast, DC and west coast liberals.

There's no question that the Times leans left. The paper today, however, broke new ground in publishing an op-ed piece by its right-leaning columnist David Brooks.

New York Times article by David Brooks

His piece, "How We Are Ruining America," deals with how "college-educated class" and "upper-middle-class moms" are "amazingly good at making sure their children retain their privileged status."

The University of Chicago alum noted how the affluent have increased spending for education by almost 300 percent, while spending for less affluent people has been flat since 1996.

Basically, the column is a take on NYC Mayor and liberal lion Bill DeBlasio's "tale of two cities."

Brooks though set a new standard in condescending behavior with the following doozy.

"Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop.

Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named “Padrino” and “Pomodoro” and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette.

I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican."

Geez, David. How out of touch can you be?

The column generated nearly 2,000 comments. Editors highlighted a comment from "Tuna." Here's an excerpt:

"Regarding your friend's "freeze-up" when confronted with a list of Italian sandwiches and meats: I'm sure there are PLENTY of people with "only" high school diplomas who know perfectly well what each of those words means…. But that is secondary to them. They are just trying to put food on the table with the meager means they have. They're where they are because all the good jobs have dried up or moved overseas, in addition to the high cost of higher education.

I think this column, in it's tone and substance, is about as elitist as anything you reference in the editorial."

Get out into the real world, David. Take your next lunch mate to a local food truck or hot dog cart. It may be an eye-opener.