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Media Training Services

    O'Dwyer's database is where communicators shop online for the companies that supply the PR industry with products and services. The following companies offer training to prepare executives and spokespersons so they can maximize each press encounter.

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Axia Public Relations, 1301 Riverplace Blvd., #800, Jacksonville, FL 32207. 1-888-PR-FIRM-8 (1-888-773-4768). [email protected]; Jason Mudd.

Blaine Group, Inc., The, 8665 Wilshire Blvd., #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211. 310/360-1499. Devon Blaine, Pres./CEO.

Cameron Communications Inc., 55 DuBois St., Darien, CT 06820. 203/952-5758. [email protected]; Jim Cameron, Pres.; Amy Fond, Senior Trainer.

Feintuch Communications
Feintuch Communications, 11 East 44th St., Suite 1201, New York, NY 10017. 212/808-4900. [email protected]; Henry Feintuch, Pres.

Feintuch Communications takes a holistic approach to media training engagements. Whether conducted on a project basis or as part of a PR campaign, we work with our clients to understand their key business objectives and media targets in order to help prepare their spokespersons to maximize each press encounter.

Our courses are both delivered in-person, with live video camera exercises as well as online for multi-national organizations with spokespeople spread out across the time zones. We educate our clients to the nuances of working with the media, getting their messages across, bridging techniques and more. Quotations available upon request.

See listing also under Crisis Management.

Montieth & Company, 685 Third Ave., 8th flr., New York, NY 10017. 646/437-7602. [email protected]; Montieth Illingworth, CEO and Global Mng. Partner.

Newman Group Inc., The
Newman Group Inc., The, 220 E. 63rd St., New York, NY 10065. 212/838-8371. [email protected]; Richard Newman, Pres.

The Newman Group is the premier provider of virtual executive media training, business presentation coaching, and crisis communication facilitation in the United States. Over the last 40 years, C-level executives, officials in public office, best-selling authors, sports and entertainment celebrities, and business people from almost every industry have benefited from The Newman Group’s personalized, dynamic, and challenging media interview and business presentation training.

Building Business Communication Skills, Professionally
The Newman Group, founded by presentation expert Joyce Newman, is based in New York City. Our team of professional communication coaches regularly trains clients around the globe, from Hong Kong to Los Angeles and from Amsterdam to Dallas.

Scudder Training & Consulting, Ken
Scudder Training & Consulting, Ken. 917/226-1681. [email protected];

Ken Scudder

Ken Scudder

For over 25 years, Ken has provided media training, presentation training, crisis communications training and consulting, and writing and editing to business leaders, celebrities, and politicians. Ken has prepared clients for interviews with publications from The New York Times to local newspapers, speeches before groups as large as 2,000 and as small as one, and appearances on 60 Minutes, The Daily Show, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, 20/20, podcasts, and satellite radio. “Making sure the message they take away is what you meant to say.”

Thunder11, 100 Crosby St., #301, New York, NY 10012. 212/362-1307. [email protected]; Alyssa Meyer.

Thunder11 is a strategic communications firm passionate about big ideas and relentless execution. Our clients in healthcare, tech and public affairs find us when it's time for a launch, for change, for growth, and for big opportunities. Our intelligence and integrity and interpersonal skills set us apart in the world of PR. We believe in investing in top talent, being smart and proactive, and delivering concrete, breakout results.

See listing also under Copyrighters, Crisis Management, Media Lists, Media Tours/Roadshows, Press Release Distribution, Research, Special Events.

Tier One Partners, 129 South St., Boston, MA 02111. 617/918-7060. [email protected]; Kathy Wilson.

Words Normalize Behavior LLC. [email protected]; Michael Franklin.