New York firm BerlinRosen is helping to stoke today's national strikes and protests at fast-food restaurants aimed to build support for raising the minimum wage.

strikeThe firm, which works with the Service Employees International Union and is advocating union membership for low-wage workers, says walkouts are planned in 100 cities with scores of rallies protesting the $7.25 federal minimum wage and urging adoption of a $15-an-hour mark.

USA Today reported on protests in Washington, New York and Detroit, noting the events are in a similar vein of recent statements by Pope Francis and President Barack Obama. The paper quoted advocate Arun Gupta: "It's more a show for the media than something that will hit the bottom line of these employers."

BR is the eight-year-old firm of Valerie Berlin and Jonathen Rosen and is fresh off guiding Bill de Blasio to victory in the New York mayoral race.