
“Woke” companies take a nap on abortion rights. Only eight percent of companies surveyed by The Conference Board issued public statements following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

That’s a sharp contrast to the majority of companies that have made public comments during the past two years on racial inequity (61 percent), LGBTQ rights (44 percent), COVID-related topics (40 percent) and gender equality (39 percent).

Thirty-one percent of the nearly 300 polled companies have no plans to respond to Roe v. Wade. They apparently want to move on.

Thirty-eight percent have addressed the women’s reproductive rights issue internally and another 13 percent plan to do so.

Ten percent of companies remain on the fence, unsure how they will deal with the demise of Roe v. Wade. They are unsure how they will deal with the issue.

The Post Office delivers good PR news… Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a guy who typically doesn’t generate much positive PR, earned praise on July 20 for a pledge to electrify at least 40 percent of its delivery fleet.

That reversed a boneheaded decision made earlier this year.

USPS received a lot of heat in February when it announced a plan to buy 165K vehicles from Oshkosh Defense, of which only 10 percent were to be electric.

That move triggered lawsuits from 16 states, Natural Resources Defense Council, United Auto Workers and Earthjustice that charged the gas-guzzling vehicles would have a damaging ecological impact.

The original $11.3B plan for gas-powered trucks that get only 8.6 mpg was out of step with the spirit of the federal government’s goal to electrify its entire fleet by 2035.

USPS now says due to its improved financial condition, route optimization and network refinements 50 percent of its new vehicles will run on batteries.

Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project credits the thousands of letters sent to the USPS to protest the original gas-guzzling purchase for nudging DeJoy into doing the right thing.

Britt Carmon, NRDC’s federal clean vehicles senior advocate, said the USPS finally got the message that cleaner vehicles are a win all around. “Investing in more electric vehicles will deliver cost savings for the postal services, cleaner air for communities across the nation, and lower emissions for all of us,” he said.

Earthjustice’s senior attorney Adrian Martinez said the Post Office’s revised buying plan should only be the beginning. “The entire postal fleet needs to be electrified to deliver clean air in every neighborhood in the country and avoid volatile gas prices,” he said. “The fight continues for an electrified postal delivery fleet.”

You made a good start, Louie. Take a bow.

Will Nike, New Balance or adidas win the race to sign Missouri Senator Josh Hawley as a corporate spokesperson? The guy is a natural.

Fleet-of-foot Josh was last seen on a video running for his life from the Senate chamber to escape the Capitol Hill rioters.

The millions of Americans who tuned in to the July 22 prime time Jan. 6 committee hearings saw the image of the cowardly scampering Hawley, who earlier that day fist-pumped the rioters to rile them up. The audience in the hearing room howled with laughter at the sight of the galloping Hawley.

The Hawley campaign uses the tough guy fist-pump image on “Show Me Strong” fundraising mugs, coolers and t-shirts.

Will the campaign now hawk merchandise with an image of Hawley sprinting from the insurrectionists?

“Show Me Shameless.”