Prospero Latino

FGS Global acquires Prospero Latino, a Latino-focused bilingual strategic communications firm based in Miami and Washington, DC. Prospero Latino will be fully integrated into FGS Global as FGS Prospero and Jose Parra, CEO of Prospero Latino, will join FGS Global as a partner. The agency, which works with corporate, political and non-profit clients to effectively connect with American Latinos, offers a range of services including advocacy communications, corporate communications and cultural consulting. Its Latino-focused public relations strategies include Spanish language and Latino earned media outreach, third-party and community engagement, Spanish language media training, bilingual Latino-focused content creation and transcreations. “Joining forces with FGS Global will allow us to extend our expertise in communicating with the Hispanic community to many more companies and organizations at a time when the Latino community’s role in shaping the future of our country has never been more important,” said Parra.

Merrie Spaeth,
Crayton Webb

Sunwest Communications acquires Spaeth Communications, bringing together two Dallas-based firms. Spaeth Communications founder Merrie Spaeth will join the Sunwest team as founder, Spaeth Training and will lead Sunwest’s portfolio of communications training services, including spokesperson media training, presentation skills, witness preparation, leadership training and building a corporate culture. Before founding Spaeth Communications in 1987, Spaeth was a producer for ABC’s “20/20,” a speechwriter for CBS founder William S. Paley, director of public affairs for the Federal Trade Commission, and director of media relations at the White House in the Reagan administration. “With the addition of Merrie Spaeth, we’re continuing to grow Sunwest’s expertise and resources to masterfully guide our clients in all matters of reputation management,” said Sunwest Communications owner and CEO Crayton Webb.


MRB, a unit of MikeWorldWide, launches its “PR in a Box” offering, which it says offers a holistic approach to PR and brand amplification. The service, which offers Managed Service Providers a three-month opportunity to execute a robust PR campaign without budget constraints, is a collaboration with the Cyber Defense Ecosystem, eChannelNEWS, TechnoPlanet, Channel Partner Alliance, Channel Next, Channel Wise, and cybersecurity vendors nationwide. “PR in a Box” provides MSPs with in-depth brand positioning, a custom PR campaign and a core influencer network. It is priced at $25,000 for the engagement.