Marcus Weisgerber
Marcus Weisgerber

Marcus Weisgerber, a veteran defense and national security reporter, has joined Invariant’s strategic communications & PA unit.

He will counsel defense, technology, AI and business clients in areas such as media strategy, storytelling and reputation management.

Weisgerber joins the DC shop after a ten-year stint at Defense One, where as business editor he also wrote the Defense Business Brief weekly newsletter on trends, procurement and Q&As with military brass.

Earlier, Weisgerber was senior Pentagon correspondent at Defense News and an editor at Inside Defense.

Matt Gallagher, who heads Invariant’s stratcom & PA practice, said Weisgerber is a seasoned journalist with a deep understanding of the decision-making process at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill.

He also understands “how to engage nationally and knows what resonates not only with the Administration and Congress, but also for investors and the business community,” added Gallagher.