Stefan PollackStefan Pollack

As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, universities find themselves at a crossroads, tasked with reimagining their academic offerings to meet the demands of tomorrow. One such imperative is establishing a Communications Engineering degree program tailored to the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

The evolution of communication in the AI era

Communication today transcends message delivery; it requires a nuanced understanding of context and a marriage of technological innovation with human empathy. In the era of AI, where algorithms increasingly shape our interactions, the fundamental purpose of communication remains unchanged while the methods of engagement undergo a profound transformation. Reports such as the USC Annenberg’s "2024 Relevance Report" shed light on AI’s rising influence, urging us to embrace its potential and wield it judiciously, challenging conventional ethical frameworks and redefining our roles in the process. In this dynamic landscape, a Communications Engineering degree emerges as a linchpin, equipping individuals to navigate the terrain and shape its contours with purpose and integrity.

Addressing the global skills gap

In a world where technology burgeons and ethical considerations loom large, there is a pressing need for individuals who possess both technical understanding and ethical discernment. Organizations seek professionals who can harness AI while maintaining cultural sensitivity and ethical responsibility. A Communications Engineering degree is the conduit between human values and technological advancements, facilitating a future characterized by automation, compassion and ethical guidance.

The curriculum of tomorrow

A comprehensive Communications Engineering curriculum must cultivate a new generation of communicators equipped with a diverse skill set:

  • Technical proficiency: mastering AI’s intricacies to enhance human capabilities and facilitate seamless interaction.
  • Analytical acumen: viewing data not merely as numbers but as narratives that must be deciphered and communicated effectively.
  • Soft skills: confronting ethical dilemmas and navigating complex ethical landscapes with clarity and conviction.
  • Communications skills: crafting messages that resonate across diverse cultural contexts, fostering inclusivity and understanding.
  • Strategic thinking: leveraging AI as a strategic ally in achieving communication objectives rather than viewing it as a mere tool.

Universities as beacons of change

Institutions of higher learning play a pivotal role in shaping the future by preparing students to navigate the complex intersection of technology and humanity. By offering a Communications Engineering degree, universities become beacons of that change, illuminating the path for future leaders to assess AI’s role in the industry critically. This endeavor transcends instruction; it inspires a vision of a future where communication is an art form uniting technology and humanity.

A global imperative for education

Education has always been the catalyst for transformative change. Institutions must proactively anticipate and navigate waves of change, equipping individuals to navigate them adeptly. A Communications Engineering degree represents more than a program; it embodies a global commitment to educating for impact, understanding and advancing our shared human experience.

Initiating a new narrative

Establishing a Communications Engineering degree at its core underscores a belief in humanity’s adaptability and resilience. By intertwining AI and communication, we prepare our students and future professionals to lead with empathy, strategize with wisdom and communicate sincerely. This marks the inception of a new narrative that envisions the future with optimism and human-centered insight.


Stefan Pollack is President of The Pollack Group, Global Board Chair of Worldcom Public Relations Group and an Adjunct Professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.