Harvey Weinstein
Harvey Weinstein

SKDKnickerbocker denies media reports that managing director Anita Dunn, former White House communications director and special advisor to President Obama's presidential campaigns, counseled embattled Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

A New York Times blockbuster charges Weinstein with sexual harassment of several actresses including Ashley Judd.

Weinstein has threatened to sue the NYT.

SKDKnick issued a statement to say that Dunn "was asked to speak with him by a friend."

It stressed: "Harvey Weinstein and Miramax are not now and have never been clients of our firm or of Anita’s."

Anita Dunn
Anita Dunn

The firm highlighted its "commitment to defending women's rights" which it said "remains as strong as ever."

Weinstein, who held fundraisers for the presidential campaigns of Obama and Hillary Clinton, is a major donor to potential Democratic White House nominees Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker.

Both are donating Weinstein's cash to charity.