Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of British computer scientist Tim Berner-Lee’s proposal for a new information management system that ultimately evolved into the world wide web.

To mark the occasion, Pew Research recently released a first in a series of reports about the rise of the WWW.

It found almost nine-in-ten (87 percent) of Americans go online with near-saturation usage (99 percent) of households with incomes of at least $75K or college degrees (97 percent). More than two-thirds (68 percent) of adults go online via smartphone or tablet.

Web users are happy campers, 90 percent say the Internet is good thing for them personally, while only six percent call it a bad thing.

The Internet is becoming more irresistible, evidenced by a jump to 53 percent from 35 percent in 2006 of 'Net users who admit the Internet would be “very hard” to give up.

In contrast, 35 percent of adults say TV would be very hard to part with and only 10 percent would have a tough time turning off social media.

The majority of experts told Pew they are bullish on the development of the “Internet of Things,” which is a “global networked computing environment built though the continued proliferation of smart sensors, cameras, software, databases and massive data centers.”

A handful worry about cyber-terrorism becoming commonplace and the total loss of privacy/confidentiality.

One thing is for certain: the next 25 years of the Internet will be an exhilarating ride.

Thanks, Tim BL.