Sabrina Guttman
Sabrina Guttman

Sabrina Guttman, who has more than 25 years of technology experience, has joined Finn Partners to head its global tech practice.

Most recently, Guttman handled marketing communications at Next47 venture capital firm in Palo Alto.

She also was VP-strategic communications at Hewlett Packard Enterprises in charge of a 100-plus member staff responsible for media outreach, product launches, thought leadership and industry analyst relations.

Guttman has agency experience as US technology practice and global client leader at Burson-Marsteller.

She reports to Peter Finn, CEO/founding manager partner of the New York-based firm.

Finn Partners acquired Barokas Communications, tech shop with offices in Seattle and Denver, in July 2021.

That deal put the number of Finn Partners’ tech staff over the 200 mark.