NY Health

The New York State Dept. of Health AIDS Institute is looking for a firm to run a social media campaign to educate people about the syndemics of HIV, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections.

Another goal: promoting the health of people who use drugs, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender/gender non-conforming individuals.

The RFP notes that many people turn to the internet and social media for health information. 

AI wants messaging on HIV, STIs, HCV, sexual health and LGBTGNC health and drug use, which is only effective if it is culturally relevant to priority populations.

Those include young gay men of color, all LGBTGNC people, drug users of all races, men who have sex with men of all races, all women with STIs, and women of color living in high prevalence ares for HIV, HCV or syphilis. 

The desired education push must be holistic and “person-first” and conducted in a “sex-positive and sexual health framework,” according to the RFP.

The social media content must be capable of being integrated into the DOH.gov website.

The AI has budgeted up to $120K annually for a five-year campaign.

Responses are due April 17. They go to:

Michele Kerwin, Assistant Director
New York State Dept. of Health
Office of Administration and Contract Management
AIDS Institute
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower, Room 359
Albany, NY 12237

Read the RFP (PDF).