City of Medford, OregonMedford, Oregon is seeking a PR firm that can provide government relations services for the city.

The southwest Oregon town — located less than 30 miles from the California border — is looking for an agency that can identify and track legislative, regulatory and executive issues affecting the city, and advise on a recommended course of action.

The RFP specifically calls for an agency that  can “communicate with the legislative delegation as needed regarding pass-through funding to the state,” and “act as the city’s governmental relations representative and advocate in matters related to state funding opportunities and legislative, regulatory and executive issues affecting the city.”

It also wants the agency to assist in educating local citizens and businesses regarding state legislative issues and how they effect the city.

The contract is slated to run between January 2016 and December 2017. It holds two two-year renewal options.

Proposals are due Nov. 12. View the RFP (PDF).