Customer/member acquisition, brand engagement and improved brand perception are the top goals of content marketing, according to a study released by The Content Council ( at its annual spring conference this week in New York.

The survey, which was conducted by Ad Age, found that nearly four-in-ten (39.7 percent) of the 448 respondents view their commitment to content marketing as either "strong" or "extremely strong."

That compares to the 17.7 percent of respondents who were bullish on the medium two years ago.

More than three-in-four (75.9 percent) expect commitment to content marketing to grow by 2017.

Content marketing accounts for 23.3 percent of overall budgets and is projected to grab a third of budgets within two years.

The study found that 30 percent of content marketing is "extremely well" aligned with strategy and another 12.7 percent rate in "very well" aligned."

Corporate websites, Facebook e-mail/newsletters, Twitter and YouTube are the top five channels of choice for content.

Live/virtual events, partnerships with established media, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram rank next.

Survey respondents are at ad agencies (48.2 percent), marketers (35 percent) and media companies (16.7 percent).