Overland Park

Overland Park, which is the second largest city in Kansas with about 200K residents, wants a firm to run a communication and information campaign tied to a June 22 vote to renew or increase the infrastructure sales tax.

Though a citywide survey in 2021 found that 97 percent of residents rated Overland Park as either a “good” or “excellent” place to live, people expressed much lower satisfaction levels with the maintenance of streets, curbs, sidewalks, street signs and traffic signs.

Overland Park wants a comprehensive community outreach program to inform residents about what is on the June ballot and how the sales tax will improve the city’s infrastructure.

The campaign will include media relations, content development, video production, social media, advertising and creation of strategic partnerships.

Responses are due March 1 and go to:

City of Overland Park
City Clerk’s Office: Response to Sales Tax Communications RFP
8500 Santa Fe Drive
Overland Park, KS 66212 

Read the RFP (PDF).