Essex Junction

Essex Junction, a  tree-lined, high-quality-of-life town of 4,500 people in the Greater Burlington (VT) area, is looking for a firm to help draw up a community vision and strategic action plan.

The hired firm would build upon the “Heart and Soul Community Conversations” of 2012 and 2014 that mapped out EJ’s shared values and collective hopes for the future, according to the RFP.

The visioning statement should reflect the entire community, reflect core values, address emerging trends/issues and imagine a preferred future.

The process must be inclusive and reach traditionally underrepresented and under-engaged demographics.

EJ’s strategic plan must have “realistic, achievable targets and benchmarks or milestones that measure progress throughout the next five years.”

The project should last four to six months.

Proposals are due June 23. They go to Ashley Snellenberger, communications and strategic initiatives director, at [email protected].

Read the RFP.