
Milpitas, a city of 80K people south of San Francisco, is seeking a firm to develop and implement a brand strategy for its Innovation District.

It envisions the ID as "an employment destination, with modern office, R&D buildings and flexible space for people to interact through ‘creative collisions' and an innovative ecosystem,” according to the RFP.

The 75-acre ID is near a multi-modal transit center and 7K new residential units that have been built, are under construction or going through a permitting process.

Milpitas’ partner will conduct outreach to bioscience, AI and automotive tech companies; write 12 pieces of branded content promoting economic development for print and online publications; and position the city as the top-tier player in the Silicon Valley market.

Responses are due June 30. They go to the Milpitas electronic portal.

Read the RFP (PDF).