
The Connecticut Airport Authority is accepting proposals from PR firms, ad agencies, website development outfits and marketing shops to boost the profile of Bradley International Airport general aviation airports throughout the Nutmeg State.

Based in Windsor Locks, BIA flies to 35 non-stop destinations including New York, Richmond, Orlando, Miami, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Dublin.

American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, Spirit Airlines JetBlue, and Aer Lingus fly from BIA.

CAA is looking for a full-service agency or a set of specialized shops to focus on increasing the amount of revenues at BIA and its general aviation facilities “through the cost-effective and creative use of different marketing channels, generating a demonstrated return on investment,” according to the RFP.

It wants to convert business and leisure travelers into loyal BIA passengers and local organizations into users of the state’s general aviation airports. 

Proposals are due July 12. They must be uploaded to 

Read the RFP (PDF).