University City

University City, an inner ring suburb of Saint Louis, is collecting proposals for a community-wide public engagement and communications program for its public school system.

U City schools have more than 2,500 students. The Board of Education in 2017 launched the “Learning Reimagined” program to “humanize, personalize and problematize” learning for all students. 

Learning Reimagined, which was introduced after a year of stakeholder meetings, pursues racial equity for students, staff and families.

U City’s RFP calls for consultation, content creation, messaging, meeting facilitation and outreach.

The selected firm will base its information campaign on the district’s mission statement and the findings of its strategic planning initiatives.

The results of the engagement effort may determine whether to conduct a public referendum next spring.

Proposals are due July 20. They go to Joe Miller, district chief of staff, at [email protected].

Read the RFP (PDF).