Los Angeles Community College District

The Los Angeles Community College District, which consists of nine schools, is looking for partners to handle PR and crisis communications services.

LACCD wants to create “a bench of firms to assist the colleges with issue-related and proactive media inquiries, including identification of, and coordination for, media opportunities such as press coverage, conferences, briefings and interviews,” according to its RFP.

Proposers must have a proven track record of success in the higher education environment.

They need specialized communications expertise required “to produce  materials in all formats and in multiple languages and multiple communications platforms appropriate for the ethnic and multi-lingual diversity of the Los Angeles media market as well as the national higher education media market.”

The selected firms will write press releases, media advisories, social media content, news/feature articles, opinions, speeches, messaging, newsletter content and other written communications for external and/or internal audiences at the direction of the district.

LACCD intends to enter into non-exclusive two-year contracts with three one-year options.

It also is looking for communications partners to handle branding, marketing, media buying and ethnic media outreach.

Responses are due Aug. 31. They go to:

Los Angeles Community College District
770 Wilshire Blvd., 6th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 9001
ATTN: Jason Cascio, senior procurement specialist

Read the RFP (PDF).