Robert Dilenschneider Robert Dilenschneider

As we move through another Holiday Season, here are some facts that may be of interest, and which you might like to share with those close to you.

• In the 4th century, Saint Nicholas of Myra (modern-day Turkey) is a bishop famous for throwing a bag of gold through a window to three poor sisters.  The day of his death, December 6, is still celebrated as Saint Nicholas Day in Armenia, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries.

• In the 17th to 18th centuries, English children learn the Dutch tradition of setting out wooden shoes in which Sinterklaas leaves presents.  They also hear of Christkindl, the German gift-bearing angel.

• In the 19th century, Santa commands a flying sleigh (Washington Irving’s Knickerbocker’s History of New York,) slides down chimneys (Clement Clarke Moore’s The Night Before Christmas,) and monitors kids from the North Pole (Thomas Nast’s Harper’s Weekly cartoons.) The first department-store Santa appears in Philadelphia.

• In 1912, the U.S. Postal Service provides an address for Christmas wish lists: “Santa Claus, North Pole, Alaska.”

• In 1958, the North American Aerospace Defense Command sets up a “Santa cam” to track the Christmas Eve ride.

• In 2016, in New York City alone, the number of letters to Santa that arrive at the post office is about half a million.

• Expect more than $23 billion in retail sales by the nation’s department stores.

• Look for more than $55 billion in retail sales by electronic shopping and mail-order houses.

• Know that about 560 locations produce dolls, toys and games.  California leads the nation in this production. 

Best wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and a 2017 that is special for you and all those you are close to.


Robert L. Dilenschneider is founder and chairman of The Dilenschneider Group, a global public relations and communications consulting firm headquartered in New York City. The former CEO of Hill and Knowlton, Inc., he is also author of more than a dozen books, including the best-selling “Power and Influence.”