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Public Affairs Commentary

Let Us Keep Peace on Earth and Good Will to All

Fri., Dec. 20, 2024

Robert L. Dilenschneider

Bob DilenschneiderThe holidays this year will arrive in a joyful confluence. The national celebration of Christmas comes, of course, on December 25th. Hanukkah begins when the sun sets on Christmas Day, lasting until sundown on January 2nd. And Kwanzaa starts, as always, on the day after Christmas, continuing through January 1st.

Give Thanks to Your Fellow Americans

Wed., Nov. 27, 2024

Robert L. Dilenschneider

Bob DilenschneiderFrom the 2 million men and women who serve on Active Duty or in the Reserves of our Armed Forces to the thousands upon thousands of volunteers across our nation who give of their time to help those in need, there are so many of our fellow Americans to whom we owe thanks.

Never Forget Our Veterans

Mon., Nov. 11, 2024

Robert L. Dilenschneider

Bob DilenschneiderAs we honor Veterans Day 2024, let us remember that we Americans have marked this day — which now honors all those who have served honorably in the U.S. military, the living and those no longer with us — for 105 years.

Labor Day and the Election Season

Fri., Aug. 30, 2024

Robert L. Dilenschneider

Bob Dilenschneider

Labor Day was always seen as the real beginning of the election season, but with this year's presidential race it seems as if we've been exposed to saturation media coverage and top-of-the-lungs campaigning since, well, forever.

Celebrate the Things That Unite Us

Wed., Jul. 3, 2024

Robert L. Dilenschneider

Bob DilenschneiderWe celebrate this July 4th in the midst of an especially heated presidential election. All the more reason, then, why we should pause to consider the many things that unite us despite all the differences that divide us.

The Abnormality of the New Normal

Wed., Jun. 19, 2024

Paul Oestreicher

Paul OestreicherOur society's “new normal” carries a lot of negative baggage with it, including the normalization of intolerance and cruelty, political violence being deemed "patriotic," exploitative workplace environments, plummeting civility, and justifications for the use of deadly force.


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