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Crosswind Media and Public Relations

Crosswind Media and Public Relations

P.O. Box 264, Austin, TX 78767

512/537-1414; fax: 512/727-4049

[email protected]
Twitter: @CrosswindPR
Instagram: @CrosswindPR
Media relations, government relations, crisis communications, leadership dialogue, issues management, digital & website services, media training, research, branding and event production.

Employees: 10. Founded: 2008.

Agency Statement:

Crosswind Media & Public Relations is a leading regional communications firm with deep Fortune 500 experience and seasoned talent. We retune brands and reputations to broaden public awareness. We reframe national and international narratives to meaningfully engage with stakeholders. We offer current-day technology, insightful research, senior counsel, media relationships at every level, and measurable results and strategic communications across Texas and throughout the world.

Thomas Graham, pres. & CEO; April Dang, gen. mgr.; Robert Durand, VP, comms.; Randall Whalin, VP, creative svcs.; JT Graham, dir., digital strategies, events; Tom Goff, strategic corporate counsel; Chris Talley, sr. advisor; Aurora Silva, sr. A/E; Melody Pierce, sr. A/E; Jonathan Taylor, sr. advisor, economic development

Clients Include:

Algonquin Power & Utilities
Chad Wilson Law Firm
Communities Foundations of Texas
Great American Media
Hunt Regional Healthcare
Orano US
Our Barndominium Life
Port of Corpus Christi Authority
Quality Community Alliance of Texas
Texas Advocacy Project
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Texas Department of State Health Services
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Texas State Aquarium
Waste Control Specialists
Water for West Africa

Crosswind Media and Public Relations in the news with O'Dwyer's:

Why Texas is Getting Attention for Biomed Excellence

Mon., Oct. 28, 2024

...from across the state came together in the healthcare consortium behind Texas’ ARPA-H bid. Crosswind ’s role was to create the coalition and manage national outreach, strategic media alliances and...

On the Move: Crosswind Media & Public Relations Ups Dang

Wed., Mar. 6, 2024

... April Dang Crosswind Media & Public Relations promotes April Dang to general manager. Dang has served as...

Reputation Management and the Crisis Continuum

Thu., Jan. 11, 2024

...avoid, take and deliver hits. It’s built into their daily routine. We call our approach Crosswind CPR+. It’s crisis communication focused on an active, pre-crisis engagement that paves the way...

Medical Excellence in the State of Texas

Wed., Oct. 4, 2023’s major life sciences centers of excellence. *** Thomas Graham is President, CEO and Founder of Crosswind Media & Public Relations in Austin, Texas....

On the Move: Invariant Hires Phillips for CFO Spot

Thu., Feb. 9, 2023

...expertise will help support our success and take our consultancy to the next level.” Eric Moore Crosswind Media and Public Relations promotes Eric Moore to vice president of brand strategy. Moore,...

Biden Scores in Political Super Bowl

Wed., Feb. 8, 2023

...helps leaders find their inner superpower—their Executive Voice, is what we call it at Crosswind —I’d say the President accomplished his objectives, earning an A. There were the usual appeals to...

On the Move: Economist Group Names Arnot Marketing Chief

Fri., Feb. 3, 2023

...centers, as well as exceptional leadership and team-building skills,” said Yale president Peter Salovey. Mac Walker Crosswind Media and Public Relations promotes Mac Walker to VP of media strategy. Walker has...

On the Move: IPG Names Accenture's Zoghby Chief Commerce Strategy Officer

Thu., Jan. 26, 2023

...focus on continued growth in the market, particularly in energy, healthcare and technology sectors. Randall Whalin Crosswind Media and Public Relations appoints Randall Whalin to serve as vice president of creative...

The Best Companies Anticipate Crises and Drill to Prepare

Wed., Jan. 25, 2023

...moments of public stress. Again: an effective response takes a plan and practice. We call our Crosswind program CPR+, which is crisis communication focused on an active, pre-crisis engagement that paves...

Community Diplomacy and Public Relations

Tue., Oct. 25, 2022

...society forward. Here in Texas, the first major assignment of that sort we undertook at Crosswind was to successfully organize and promote a 2012 effort to win a $286 million...

The Texas Brand Remains Strong

Mon., Aug. 8, 2022 strong, durable, and resonant. *** Thomas Graham is the founder and CEO of Austin, TX-based Crosswind Media & Public Relations....

Texas Stars Still Shine Bright for Many

Fri., Jul. 22, 2022

...has seen its share of unfavorable media coverage recently, a new national survey from Crosswind Media & Public Relations says that the state still has a favorable image with...

Healthcare Communication is Critical to Public Health

Mon., Oct. 11, 2021

...disclosure, communications and protections to keep Americans safe. *** Thomas Graham is Founder and President of Crosswind Media and Public Relations, based in Austin, Texas....

Every Day is a Crisis: Health Communications in a Pandemic

Mon., Oct. 26, 2020

...need during the pandemic crisis. *** Thomas Graham is the Founder and CEO of Austin, TX-based Crosswind Media & Public Relations. Dr. Singh is immediate past Chief Medical Officer of the...

The Power of Executive Expertise

Mon., Oct. 21, 2019

...toiling in the industry thicket, can be out of reach for many independents. I started Crosswind 10 years ago with previous agency startup experience, so I was prepared. Among my...

PR and the Healthcare Startup

Thu., Oct. 4, 2018

...for the results for your combined efforts. *** Thomas Graham is Founder, President and CEO of Crosswind Media & Public Relations, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary....

Crosswind Acquires Fellow Austin Shop

Thu., Nov. 16, 2017

...Austin-based communications agency  Crosswind Media & Public Relations has acquired ATX energy, oil and gas PR shop Carmichael Communications &...

State Procurement Resource Calls Crosswind AOR

Tue., Feb. 28, 2017

...Austin-based communications agency Crosswind Media & Public Relations has been named agency of record for the Center for Alternative...

Editorials Invite Criticism but Voice Values

Fri., Oct. 7, 2016

...spent 39 years as a newspaper editor and reporter, is a Senior Advisor at Crosswind Media and Public Relations....

Communication Counts When You’re Saving Lives

Wed., Oct. 5, 2016

...that will make all the difference.* * * Angela Dejene is Executive Vice President at Crosswind Media and Public Relations in Austin, Texas and heads the agency’s top-ranked global healthcare...

What Does a Pulitzer Really Mean Today?

Wed., Apr. 27, 2016

...three newspapers. He now serves as senior advisor for media strategy and engagement at Crosswind Media and Public Relations....

Crosswind Enlists Oppel for Senior Advisor Role

Fri., Apr. 15, 2016

...Veteran newspaper editor and D.C. bureau chief Rich Oppel has joined Austin-based healthcare communications agency Crosswind Media & Public Relations as a senior advisor for media strategy and management. 

Social Media Tips for Senior Management

Mon., Apr. 4, 2016

...we’re still figuring it out too!* * * Emily Eldridge is an Account Executive at Crosswind Media & PR. Liz Hilton and Adrian Patenaude are Assistant Account Executives at ...

Crosswind Curates SXSW Support for MIT's Hacking Medicine

Fri., Mar. 11, 2016

...Austin-based healthcare communications agency Crosswind Media & Public Relations has teamed up with Massachusetts Institute of Technology student group...

Why Cyberattacks Put More Than Data at Risk

Fri., Jan. 22, 2016

...out of the headlines, and protect your reputation.* * * Thomas Graham is CEO of Crosswind Media & Public Relations. Reg Harnish is CEO of GreyCastle Security....

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