Rubin Returns to State Dept. to Counter Disinformation
Mon, Dec. 19, 2022
By Kevin McCauley
James Rubin has returned to the State Dept to counter disinformation and propagada from major actors, such as Russia, China, Iran, ISIS and al-Qaeda.
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Category: Podcasting | Return to Latest News |
James Rubin has returned to the State Dept to counter disinformation and propagada from major actors, such as Russia, China, Iran, ISIS and al-Qaeda.
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The success of podcasts during the COVID-19 pandemic is proof that it’s time for marketers to get onboard this format.
Why I launched a podcast to learn more about the people, events and stories that have influenced the way we think.
O’Dwyer’s is teaming up with the Washington Media Group, producer of weekly PR podcast The Flack Pack, on a podcast that will bring listeners public relations news and information from the perspective of O'Dwyer's reporters and contributors every Friday.
The rising popularity of podcasting presents big opportunities to the public relations industry.