Eric Adams |
Are duck and cover drills next? New York City’s Department of Emergency Management sent shockwaves through Gotham on July 11.
It released a PSA on what to do in the event of a nuclear attack on The Big Apple.
Our in-way-over-his-head mayor Eric Adams saw the need for the video “after what happened to Ukraine, to give preparedness.”
If Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is Adams’ reason for the video, perhaps our midnight swaggering leader should pay more attention to world events. Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. Where’ve you been, Eric?
And what nuggets of information does the video provide those New Yorkers who are now trembling over the prospect of nuclear vaporization?
The video advises them to get inside, stay there and stay tuned. For what? Inspiring messages from Adams?
The DEM assures New Yorkers that the likelihood of nuclear attack on or near the city is “very low.”
Adams calls himself a proactive guy who is a big believer in being safe than sorry.
Many New Yorkers are sorry about the results of the last mayoral election.
Head over heels in love with Liz….. Democrats adore Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney for her principled stand against the stolen election lies of Donald Trump and for her masterful service on the Jan. 6 House committee probing the Capitol Hill riot.
Some Democrats in the Cowboy State plan to cross over to the Republican party so they can vote in the GOP primary in which Cheney is underdog to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman.
Wyoming Democratic Party chairman Joe Barbuto doesn’t like the idea of voting in the GOP primary.
He is much less enthralled with Cheney than Democrats outside his state.
Barbuto told the New Republic’s The Run-Up July 13 newsletter that Cheney voted with Trump’s position a little over 90 percent of the time.
“At one point in the not-too-distant past, her and colleagues on that side of the aisle are the ones who created and enabled Donald Trump. He existed because of them. So I understand in her case she’s changed her opinion now, but I don’t want to reward her for doing the right thing when there have been Democrats doing the right thing all along, and I think those are the folks who deserve our support and resources.”
Thanks for bringing us back to Earth, Joe.
Wyoming’s Republican and Democratic primaries are August 16.
Good luck, Liz. And if you go down in defeat, the GOP presidential primary beckons.
Disinformation Jack… Not only did General Electric CEO Jack Welch preside over the world’s most valuable company, he also was in the vanguard of the disinformation revolution.
In “The Man Who Broke Capitalism,” David Gelles noted that lifetime Republican Welch accused the Obama administration of tampering with a good jobs report released in October 2012, a month before the election.
“Unbelievable jobs numbers,” Welch posted on Twitter. “These Chicago guys will do anything… can’t debate so change numbers.”
There was no basis to Welch’s charge.
The backlash was swift as the mainstream press and economists dismantled Welch’s claim.
Welch appeared the next day to do damage control, appearing on CNN to explain that he did not have any evidence about Team Obama cooking the books.
The right-wing media, ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Welch’s position “rings true”), Donald Trump (“100 percent” correct) and “jobs report truthers” jumped on Welch’s conspiracy bandwagon.
“Welch himself seemed to realize that forging ahead with the lie was a better course than trying to walk it back,” wrote Gelles.
Neutron Jack went on to call climate change “mass neurosis” and suggested that Hillary Clinton was compromised as secretary of state because of the Clinton Foundation.
Gelles noted that while some wrote off the buffoonery and mad musing of Welch and Trump, they understood just how powerful lies could be in the age of social media.
Trump is still at it.
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