Joele Frank represents MEI Pharma, a clinical development company working on cancer drugs, as it confirms that it has received nominations of three director candidates from Anson Advisors Inc. and Cable Car Capital to stand for election at its 2024 annual meeting.
“Anson and Cable Car have been running an opportunistic campaign to take control of the company without paying what the board believes is an appropriate premium to do so,” said MEI’s statement.
After discussions with Anson and Cable Car reps, MEI claims “they have a single-minded agenda to obtain the company’s cash now without paying a premium, regardless of the opportunity cost to MEI’s development programs and other stockholders.”
MEI’s board will review the Anson and Cable Car nominees in according with corporate governance guidelines and its fidiciary duties to all stockholders.
Joele Frank, Wilkinson Brimmer Katcher has Dan Katcher and Aaron Palash repping San Diego-based MEI.
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