
FGS Global is providing strategic communications support for the Columbian Embassy to advance the South American country’s interest in the US.

The one-year $540K contract kicked off Sept. 1.

Colombia elected Gustavo Petro, its first leftist president, in 2022, who has pledged to shift the focus from fighting drugs to bankrolling more social programs.

The US has pumped more than $12B in security and anti-drug enforcement funds into Columbia since 2000 under the “Plan Colombia” progam, which served as the linchpin of the ties between the two nations.

The United Nations reported on Sept. 11 that production of Colombia's coca crop, which is the key ingredient in cocaine, has hit a more than 20-year high.

FGS’ work includes support for Colombia’s Office of the Presidency and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The firm will handle outreach to media, opinion leaders, think tanks, academic communities and others relevant to the U.S.-Colombia bilateral relationship.

Partners Brett O’Brien and Joshua Gross are handling the Columbia work with managing director Adam Sharon.

O’Brien was national security leader to House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt and foreign affairs counselor to Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell.

Gross had managed press and public engagement for the Embassy of Afghanistan.