Firehouse Strategies, the DC shop founded by staffers from Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s presidential run, has acquired the Democratic Scarlet Oak Strategies shop.
Raymond Glendening, who was political director at the Democratic Governors Association, launched Scarlet Oak, which has a network of 1,200 political operatives in state capitals across the US.
He will become a partner at Firehouse Strategies.
Brian Doory, Scarlet Oak managing director, will take on the same title at Firehouse.
He has worked on campaigns for Democrats such as Sen. Amy Klobuchar and former governors Jon Corzine (NJ) and Martin O’Malley (MD).
Scarlet Oak has run campaigns for National Opioid Litigation Consortium, BlueCross Blue Shield, Chamber of Progress, CVS Health, Pew Charitable Trusts, AFSCME, National League of Cities, Share Our Strength and Coalition for the Northeast Corridor.
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