Tricia Engle

FGS Global names Tricia Engle, who has run Senate floor operations for the Democratic Caucus as well as the last three Democratic Senate Majority Leaders, as a partner. She will be based in the Washington, DC office.

Engle was most recently U.S. Senate Assistant Secretary for the Majority, where she managed Senate legislative floor operations for Schumer and the entire Democratic Caucus. Previously, she served as Senior Floor Assistant to leaders Daschle and Reid for over a decade.

Her position has resulted in an intimate knowledge of the internal dynamics at the highest levels of the Senate leadership, a track record of successful legislative accomplishments and extensive relationships throughout the government.

“Tricia is truly once in a generation in terms of her talent and tenure. We could not feel more fortunate to welcome her to our consulting team,” said FGS Global partner Joel Johnson. “From a legislative perspective, very few professionals can claim to have seen it all and done it all. Senators and colleagues on both sides of the aisle can attest that Tricia has accomplished both; and with great skill, humility, humor and insight.”